Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does anyone take responsibility for there own actions?

I just read a story about a Boston cab driver who was suspended from his job because the 6 "adults" he picked up at the airport forgot they had a child with them and left him in the back seat when they got out, the strange thing is I remember this happening in I think Chicago a few years ago.

Should the driver have checked the back seat for sure, but so should have the 6 adult passengers.

I don't know how long the driver will be out of work, or if this is the last straw, its just another way the world sticks to cab drivers, if you want to read the story the link is below, while there read the comments they are about 80% pro driver, that's a surprise.

Monday, July 27, 2009

No Hitter's

I am sure most of all baseball fans are familiar with the term no hitters. But even more of a feat is the Perfect Game. Most folks remember the Don Larsen gem in the world series. Where my favorite guy Larry "yogi" Berra jumps into Larsen's arms. I was watching the Rays game when Burhele of the Chicago Whitesox did it to them. He was on fire, of course that great catch by thier center fielder, who was put in for defense. One of the Rays announcers, Kevin Kenndy, I believe put up names of previous pefect game pitchers. Koufax not only threw a perfect game, but struck out 20 men in the game. Can you imigine 20 of the 27 went down. It has been said that Sandy had three pitches. A fastball, a curve and change up. Some say that if two of his pitches weren't up to par that day, no matter he could beat you with the last one.
As I was raised in Burbank, California I have seen Koufax pitch at Dodger Stadium. When tickets were cheap. Behind home plate his curve ball was like falling off a table. If he was on, I swear that pitch was unhittable. I think he was the best pitcher to ever play, in his prime. The following I took from Google. I saw this game in person.Sandy Koufax's perfect game was the first one pitched at night. It was nearly a double no-hitter: Cubs pitcher Bob Hendley gave up only one hit, a bloop double to left-fielder Lou Johnson in the seventh inning that did not figure in the scoring. The Dodgers scored their only run in the fifth inning: Lou Johnson reached first on a walk, advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt, attempted a steal of third, and scored when Cubs catcher Chris Krug overthrew third base. The total number of base runners in the game—2—is the fewest in major league history

Thursday, July 23, 2009

From the you've got to be kidding department

Cab drivers form the small town of Bournemouth, England have been getting letters from the local government there, telling them they will be getting tickets for dropping 10 year old severely disabled boy in front of his school.

For the boy to get into school he needs a "frame" (could be what the Brit's call a walker) and two teachers, that is why it is so vital that he be dropped as close to the school as possible, but the city council can't seem to figure that out, all they can see is a cab is stopped in a no stopping zone.

The local authority said the camera car operated a zero-tolerance approach on parking offences in the interests of safety to schoolchildren, I guess the town needs the 70 pound fine (about $120.00) in this difficult economy and that's that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What kind of bullsh*t is this

I have posted many story's from newspapers around the world on rights that cab drivers have elsewhere that Tampa drivers don't have, this is a switch cab drivers in the Canadian city of Ottawa don't have the right to ask for cash up front.

The taxi union there had asked 2 years ago to change the law and where turned down flat.

Yusef Al Mezel, the president of the union representing Ottawa taxi drivers is looking to reintroducing the law after an Ottawa cab driver was badly beaten last Friday, all they are asking if to be permitted to get cash up front on calls after midnight, sounds reasonable to me.

But not Linda Anderson, manager of bylaw and regulatory services for the City of Ottawa, says she is open to discussing advance payment, but doesn't know if it would have made a difference in this case.

Anderson also notes that the bylaw regulating taxis says that the passenger is required to pay the fare displayed on the meter, "I don't know how people can pay in advance if they don't know what the fare is going to be," she said, she must be a real genius, if she was a man her Mother would call her sunny for sure.

It should be a right of any cab driver everywhere on any out of town call, or a call that gives you that funny feeling in the back of your head or the queasiness in your gut to say, "yeah I want cash up front" and if the customer says he or she won't pay up front, say good bye!!

Be safe out there everyone!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Help for cab drivers with the swine flu in Singapore

The government of Singapore and the taxi union's there have combined to help cab drivers there who come down with the H1N1 flu.

The drivers will be subsidised for there medical costs and for lost time do to the swine flu.

As the saying goes don't try this at home, meaning don't wait for this to happen anywhere near
Tampa, anytime soon, but it sure would be nice if someone would do something-anything for the cabby's of the area, but we won't hold our breath.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tell us something we didn't know

A study commissioned by NYC Councilman Eric Gioia found that 52% of all NY cab drivers have no medical insurance.

I don't know how much of the tax payers ca$h he spent (you really didn't think he or any other politician would spend there own ca$h with all the free stuff around, did you) I would have told him that for free, and I tend to think his number is a bit low.

OK now that Councilman Gioia has this little nugget of information what does he plan to do with it, keep it under his pillow for safe keeping, or is he going start a low cost health care plan for NYC cab drivers.

Maybe its just worse in Tampa but in the nearly 9 years of driving for United I knew no one with
medical insurance.

I drove a cab for over 20 years between Tampa and elsewhere and never had health insurance during that time, it was not untill I went on disability and got Medicare, when I had to go to a DR back then and that was the only time I would ever go, it cost me big bucks.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The clothing cop's are coming

I just read a story about a cab driver in Brisbane, Australia who was given a $100. ticket because his socks where too short.

The dress code for drivers in Brisbane states the driver needs to wear a uniformed shirt that is tucked in, business trousers or tailored shorts with long socks pulled up and dress shoes.

The cop listed the offence as and I quote "WHT/runners, short running socks", Queensland Transport's management calls it a petty offence, there have been a rash of questionable tickets for things a $400 fine for not having a 2009 version of a street directory, or for allowing a car's window tinting to peel.

I had a somewhat similar situation when I was still driving, while sitting on 23 the old public transportation (not the new SS Boys) stopped by to check out the cabs there, when he got to me he asked me where my sock's where, I opened my sneaker and showed him.

He told me I had to have sock's that went above the shoe line, I then asked him nicely where in the rule's and regulations it said that, he smiled and said nowhere.

I had another interesting dress code incident, I picked up a woman at the downtown Hyatt, as soon as she said airport I could hear her Back Bay Boston accent, and as soon as I start to pull away from the curb I hear "I can't believe you are wearing shorts", yes I am I answer.

Now its summer time and 95 in the shade, and she asks is it OK for drivers to wear shorts she asks, yes it is I say, did you notice the doorman at the Hyatt was wearing shorts, as where everyone we passed heading to 275.

She went on and on about the shorts, more then one time I told her its Florida not Back Bay Boston, the weather is different so are the rules.

At one point I had enough of her nonsense and asked do they still ware those vest's and funny hat's where you come from? Her answer was there is nothing funny about the hat's or the vest's they are proper attire for cab drivers every ware. It was very heard not to laugh in her face, but I told her if we had to ware anything like that here there would be no cab drivers in state of

Don't laugh too much and keep cool and safe out there guys.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Rays want a new stadium...again

We all remember last year the Rays wanted to build a new open air ball park on the bay front in downtown St Pete, not to be payed for by the Rays but by the alleged profit from the sale of the Tropicana Field property.

Fast forward to this year and now the Rays want a retractable dome stadium that will cost between 550 and 600 million and not much is being said where it will come from or where it will be built.

Now the Yankee's have built there 1.5 billion Taj Mahal, which will be paid in full by the Yankees, but is being financed by tax free bonds, which have many politicians and the Media there howling.

The old Yankee Stadium was 85 year's old and a structural time bomb a few years ago when the Yanks where on the road a 30+ foot beam fell out of the upper deck, and had other problems.

The dome in St Pete is less then 20 years old, yeah I know it could have been made better, without the cat walks and all but is still a relatively new ball park and the team has a contract to play in St Pete through the 2027 season, and I would think where they are now.

I think the city and county needs to show some back bone and think of the tax payers first for a change, let the Rays get at least another 10 years out of the dome and let the team pay for part of a new stadium.

I do have a question has the city and county paid off the old stadium yet?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Now we learn the truth, I guess

This is a follow up story to Friday's post, there are two articles in today's alerts about the Oklahoma City taxi company.

In the first article states, A-1 thought nothing could stop them from creating a positive name for themselves while increasing profits 500 percent in four years.

The second stated that A-1 cab company received a stern warning and 180 days’ probation, but will keep its license after employees admitted they refused service to potential clients whose destinations would generate less revenue.

So it was the company's employees not its independent contractor drivers that where the problem, who would have thought that would have been the problem?

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Independent contractors"

I just read a story about a cab company in Oklahoma City, called A-1 is being suspended for refusing to take calls in certain areas.

The owner who is fighting this is is naturally claiming its the driver's fault because they are independent contractors. Why are we independent contractors, surely its not our choice, we didn't hire the company it was the other way around.

Why does the company want us to be independent contractors, for starters they don't have to collect income tax, which they would have to hire one or more workers in the office for this purpose.

They would have to pay for disability and medical insurance, unemployment, and all that costs money.

This is not the first instance that an owner puts blame on a driver for any problem using the excuse they are independent contractors nor will it be the last, you can bet on that.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Overloaded taxi goes off a cliff and kills 11 of 18 on board

Just over 2 week's ago I wrote and joked about a grossly overloaded taxi in South Africa and today I read about a crash there that killed 11 people, and that's no joke.

In the story of 2 week's ago I made all kinds of stupid jokes and included a picture of a car with people sitting and standing all over the outside, but 11 dead riders is very sobering.

We have talked about many issues on this blog that concern cab drivers such as violence against cab drivers, and the problem that is world wide of too many cab's in a municipality's.

Cab drivers have to act responsibly, as I said in the earlier post, I have allowed at times a passenger above the posted limit, and have had some wild rides with passengers that where drunk or close to it.

The driver of the cab was both lucky and unlucky to survive this crash and faces charges, the legal amount of passengers is based on the number of seat belts, so lets be smart out there guys.

Monday, July 6, 2009


A Louisiana driver has been stopped and detained for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his vehicle and was warned by a police officer about the "subversive" message it sends.
NOTE: What happens if you are driving your car from New Hampshire? On the tag is the state motto; "Live Free or Die!" And if your car says "One Nation Under God...! You go diretly to jail! What the hell is going on in this country?
I got the above from the VETERANS POST, July, 2009 issue. It is placed at the VA Hospitals.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If you think you have had a bad day, wait until you hear about this woman

A woman in Brisbane, Australia stole a cab and then rear ended 2 off duty cops, a start to a very bad day.

To make a bad situation worse she tested out at nearly 3 times the legal limit for blood alcohol, wow she must have had a "few" of those extra large fosters, you know those mini kegs.

Along with all her other problems the 2 cops where treated for soft tissue injuries and pain, I think she will be seeing lots of the officers in the court's, you think?