Monday, June 30, 2008


What a first half the Tampa Bay Rays enjoyed as the majors 'surprise team of the season. Their goal now? To make the second half just stunningly as good.

Back-up catcher Shawn Riggins homered among his three hits yesterday and drove in two runs and the first-place Rays completed a remarkable first-half turnaround, beating the Pirates, 4-3 behind Andy Sonnanstine's effective seven innings.

The Rays are 49-32, the most victories midweay through a season by a team that had the majors' worst record last year. All this by a team that has never had a winning season or won more than 70 games since joining the American League in 1968.

The Red Sox are coming into town today, Shields, shown above putting a right cross on Coco Crisp. I guess Coco doesn't want anymore of that so he is doing his suspenion for the three games. Now a half of a season doesn't make a full season. But I have a gut feeling about this years Rays. At least my Dodger s made the papers had a no hitter thrown at them but won. Wow! UC157 Larry
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Its a business

Are you tired of hearing that BS line all the time from owners of teams and it players? I am very tired of it and used to think yeah its a business to all but those who foot the bill, the fans.

But after a few years of thinking I realized we no longer foot the bill, the people in the luxury boxes do.

The sad thing most of them don't watch the game while there, it is a place to hold a business meeting, and for what they pay I guess they can do whatever they want.

I have one question with the Buc's going back to the electronic pat downs this season, will the privileged go through them also? I know they have there own entrance so that tells me we could have a two class system.

So what is the fan's roll these days, they pay an obscene amount of money to bake or freeze according to the weather and cheer the team on, someone should the luxury boxes are sound proofed, so the meeting's don't get interrupted, we can't have that.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I took this photo about 10:00 AM last Thursday, sorry but my camera wasn't big enough to get all of the cabs in it. I spoke to a few of the guys and they all said the same thing mostly, waiting for maybe a trip to St. Pete Beach. I thought what if they got a trip to the Hilton on Lois. Or worse to one of those office buildings on Westshore.

I remember one instance I got a call at the Howard Johnson on Dale Mabry, near the Mons Venus. These nice older folks needed to go to a cruise ship at Port Manatte, that is south on US41. At that time the fare was around 90.00, works for me. This was on a Sunday. After I found the port and unloaded their luggage this guy who must have been working there asked me if I was going back to Tampa, I almost said something cute like "heres your sign" but instead said yes I am in a very nice voice. He said these four girls needed to get to Tampa International but only had 75.00 and the previous two cab wouldn't take them. I told him to get them and we would go. I have no idea why the other cabs wouldn't take them, they had to go back anyway. Of course that doesn't happen to often.

The next morning I picked up this kid in south Tampa in a nice area and took him to town and country. I was at the light at George and Memorial and out the back door he went. I haven't seen that kid since. So it isn't all good. But that hasn't happened to oftain. I always tried to be careful.

The answers to the last question about the 1960 World Series in the 7th game, not the winning home run but there were no strike outs recorded by either team. The other answer is in 1944 the Dodgers, Yankees and Giants played a 6 inning game, each team played 2 innings. The score was Dodgers 5, Yankees 1 and Giants zip. This was for War Bonds. I don't how they did it. But I think that UC123 does. If it happened in New York he knows. Be careful out there. UC157 Larry
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Friday, June 27, 2008

This and that

To Tim, sorry but when Larry approved your comment it was lost, if you could please repost it we would appreciate it.

To Sawbriars, Bill Parcells is very superstitions, and when the Gatorade shower got started he wanted it to continue. Early in the 86-87 season he dropped a couple of penny's on the floor of his office and because they where tail down, he left signs that he didn't want them touched till after the season.

Sir Lawrence I know why you where not at the game and it had nothing to do with your age, the game was 3000 miles away in Brooklyn, and Ill leave it at that.

I watched the 1960 WS and can't think of anything unusual except the home run hit by Bill Maz who I think didn't have 1 home run all year.


This, of course is a photo Jenne Finch, the star fast pitch pitcher of the Olympic team. My question is why can't this beauty get paid for modeling and such without losing her status with the olympic team? Case in point, one Tiger Woods, was paid 30 million from Nike before he hit the first ball. I happened to watch this young lady pitch in the NCAA tournament, her ball does things that many a major leaguer would love to have. It is this writers opinion that they should let olympic athletes rake in the money while they can.

Now let us get to baseball in days gone by. First for my learned co-writer, what strange thing happened in the 7th game of the 1960 World Series? Not the obvious please.

There was a very strange game played on June 26, 1944, I was only 2 1/2 years old so I wasn't there. However my "team" won the game, if it could be called that. HINT: The score was 5-1-0. The answers in a later post.

UC157 Larry
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gas prices are more then a one sided dagger, it has many sides.

First is the obvious the price at the pump, secondly the increased food prices, last is something I didn't think about until I read about it in an article from Associated Press.

They talked to a waitress and a cab driver in Cincinnati, both are seeing less tips of late from there regulars.

How much more can cabby's take, people complain when they have to wait for a cab, if things don't get better soon the wait will get longer, much longer.

I had used a poll to ask the trivia question, what team started the tradition of the Gatorade shower?
The choices where the University of Florida, the New York Giants, the Notre Dame and two others.
There where 4 responses, 3 went for Florida, 1 for Notre Dame and none for the correct answer the New York Giants.
After a win late in the 1983 season that the Giants went 3-12-1, they dumped the bucket of Gatorade on Parcells in his first year as head coach.
In 1984 they where 9-7 and after every win came the shower and a tradition was born.
The Gatorade shower after Super Bowl 21 introduced it to the world.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4th of July

I heard rumors that the guy on the left is going to work in in the shop and help with the broken down cabs. The cab drivers should do well during the fourth. I always did. I didn't work at night and I didn't change my routine. However, the tips were better. I have found that if you laugh at their dumb jokes, even if they aren't funny helps. But on the other hand I have heard some good ones. I have a very good friend, named Harold, he drives for Greyhound. Anyway he told once he was on his way to Miami, when he noticed a squad car behind him with their red lights on. But goood ole Harold kept right on driving. Shortly the cop pulled along side of him and motioned for him to pull over or else. Harold finally stopped and all of his passangers were relieved. The cop asked him why he didn't stop. Harold told him that a few months ago his wife ran off with a cop and he was afraid that he was bringing her back. Just a joke folks, I know Harold's wife and she is a fine lady. I have told that joke many times to people in my cab. I have also found that if you keep them laughing they are more relaxed. Than when it comes to paying the fare they tend to add to it. Not always. Have a good evening and catch you later. By the way it is hard to believe that the Rays are 14 games over .500. UC 157 Larry
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I am sure that the PGA will get along with out Tiger Woods, of course the commericals will not be as exspensive. I really think there will be more competion. There still are some great golfers out there, VJ Stigh, Stewart Cink, who just won. Phil Mickelson is probably #2 behind Tiger as best in the world. I am going to have to cut this short, as there is a lot of lightening out. I have one of those protectors but you never know. Tomorrow we will get to finding out how the guys are doing early in the morning with "bear" on vacation.

Changes in baseball over the last 40 years.

There have been many changes in baseball over the last 40 years the 2 biggest are the DH and inter league play.

The DH has been around since the early 70's and inter league play is in its 11th season. The DH has been a topic of discussion whenever and wherever fans gather and is the most polarizing topic in baseball, some love it and some hate it.

Hank Steinbrener last week said the National League should adopt the DH after Chien Ming Wang the Yankees ace, was hurt while running the base's.

Some fans don't like inter league play, one reason is that they think it takes away from the world series.

Another compliant is playing teams too far away if all games where like Yanks vs Mets, Cubs vs Sox or Dodgers vs Angels this would not be an issue.

You can register your thoughts on the poll to the left or if you have more to say by leaving a comment.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Specials in a time of need

I took the picture of the United Cab emblem yesterday. As I was leaving a driver was going into the office and we got into conversation. He claimed that it is a little slow. Now this was Saturday afternoon and there were about 20 cabs in the lot. He told me thata if it weren't for his specials he would have a problem. Now that brings us to specials. Before I got sick I had a few specials. What my co-host and Tim from Taxi Shots call left handed specials. Two that come to mind were Pedro, whom Tim mentioned in his blog and Frank. I picked Pedro up at 6:00am every morning, Monday thru Friday. I took him to work at the Woodlands Center on Waters, the fare was 13.00 + but he gave me 15.00. Now this is in Town and Country almost anyway and I live in Town and Country, but I don't work in that area. On my way back Frank would call and I would take him to work downtown. Another 14.00. You are thinking hell not much. Take off your shoes and count. 29.00 a day, for 5 day=145.00 a week X 50 weeks., Oh yeah, 7250.00. Nice left handed specials. Then Susan would call me a couple of times a week, she was in the medical field and would go to the airport for 25.00, thats 50.00 more a week, I had been taking her for 6 years. I am the only one she would ever call. Why because I was dependable and safe. Could I make a living out there with the gas price like it is. Damn right. Would I sit in those long airport lines, hell no. My system was very simple, I had goals set for the day. When I met those goals, no matter what time it was I went home. They used to have a hit list, drivers that hadn't dropped their lease by 10:00am. To this day I can't understand that. In 24 hours can't make 95.00, maybe they are in the wrong line of work. I would get to McDill and Kennedy and park in the Bank of Ameria parking lot at 4am and wait for calls. Maybe talk to Tim from Taxi shots. From 6am until quiting time, usually around 11:00 am I would be around the Burger King at Dale Mabry and Columbus. I did that for 8 years. By working 7 days a week and no more than 6 or 7 hours a day. It worked for me. Driving a taxi was a great way to make a living and get fat. UC157 Larry
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little cabby humor

At least he didn't tell him to follow that car.

I can't take all of you in one cab, and its cash up front.

A minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

Saint Peter addresses the man wearing somewhat sloppy clothes, "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?"

The guy replies, "I'm Jack Thomas Jr., taxi-driver, of Noo Yawk City."

Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the taxi-driver, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

The taxi-driver goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.

Then it's the minister's turn. He stands up tall and booms out, "I am Joseph Snow, pastor of Saint Mary's Church, for the last forty-three years."

Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the minister, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Just a minute," says the minister. "That man before me was a taxi-driver, and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. Why, How can this be?"
Saint Peter, looks to the preacher and says, "Up here, we work by results,"

"While you preached, people slept, while Jack drove, people prayed."

Friday, June 20, 2008


When I first started driving for United Cab I had a little experience but not very much. I think the first time I got screwed was out of Tampa General. This was a "cash", the guy look ok, well dressed and wanted to go to Plant City. Instead of looking at the money I thought how lucky I was to get a trip that long. Keep in mind this was in 1999 I think the milage was only 1.75 a mile. At any rate when we got to his trailer he gave me $15.00 and said he would go inside and get the rest from his wife. Beforfe he got out he asked me what a normal tip would be for a trip like this. Now folks this is when the bells should have went off. If this situation would happen today, 9 years later, we wouldn't have left Tampa General without money up front, I wouldn't have cared if he dressed like Donal Trump. No money no go. He told me he would be right back, he went around the back of the trailer and I haven't seen him since. Nor have the people that lived in the trailer.
Five years ago I picked up a very well dressed lady from a Doctors office on MLK. I took her to a huge office building, she gave me a credit card. I normally check them with my cell phone right away, while the patron is still in the car. But the fare was only 15.00+ so I didn't. You guessed it, the card wasn't worth a damn. I always checked the card before making the trip but didn't this time. I vowed that would never happen again.
The next post will be about what my co-host calls my left handed specials. I will explain why they work and are worth it. Even if Tom and Tim that other taxi blog can't see it. I noticed that Tim sat from 3am until 6am and not a call. Only 4 calls until noon. No specials, too bad.

Cranky customers, we have all dealt with them hopefully non as bad as my friend above.
One day I picked up an elderly couple around Azeele and Mac Dill, they where going to Target on Gandy.
I turn left on Mac Dill about half the way down the man says to the woman he is driving us the long way, then she says the same thing.

I explain to them, you live just off Mac Dill, we are on Mac Dill so how could I be taking you the long way, it is a straight shot? I ask how would you have wanted to go, they have no answer but to say we are going the long way, I ask them to wait and see what it runs and they agree.

When we get to Target the price is less then it usually is, and I find out he is from NY and has only been to Tampa a few times. I ask him how could he even have a clue what would be the long or short way, he has no answer.

I know the rep cab drivers have but know what the hell your talking about before opening your big mouth.

OK so you like to read about taxi stuff there is an e-mail list just for taxis. The discussion is open to all members of the taxicab industry, including drivers, mechanics, owners, operators, vendors, regulators, journalists, and regular taxi passengers.
The addy for the list is:

Check it out it has members from all over the world, at least from the English speaking parts.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Batting disorder

Now baseball is supposed to be a non-contact sport. Shields of the Rays doesn't seem to like Mr. Crisp very much. Now getting to the batting disorder. Last August Tony LaRussa of St. Louis tired a little something different. Genius or pure luck you decide. He had first tired this in 1998. This time he had his pitcher hitting 8th. Joel Pineiro, his hurler, drew a walk, the ninth place hitter this day was Adam Kennedy who promptly hit a home run. The La Russa called in his second basemen, Aaron Miles to pitch. He pitched a perfect inning. The next day starter Adam Wainwright, hitting 8th, homered. On the next day St. Louis set a record by getting 10 consecutive hits in the 5th inning. During that uprising two players, had a pair apeace. Pitcher Braden Looper ( equaling his seven year total prior to 2007) and Miles hitting ninth. Our slugger up there is pitching tonight against the Cubs, if we win, it is a sweep of the Cubs. It is really hard to believe how well the Rays are playing. Thsere defense is leading the majors with a .986. A strong defense will win out most every time. Be careful out there. UC 157--Larry
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Lets make a deal

To be sure we have all picked up fares who ask for a flat rate and of course it illegal in Hillsborough County to charge flat rates.

What the fare is really saying is lets make a deal, they are not looking for a fair deal, they are looking to get away on the cheep.

Some are somewhat reasonable, but others are off the wall.

For an example my last Gasparella in 04, I dropped someone at whiskey park, as the people where getting out 3 guys asked me if I would take then to Terra Verde for $25. I tell then no and I also tell them they could not get over the Bridge for that much.

They then tell me that's all they have, now I feel somewhat sorry for them, but they drank away there money and now they are looking for some dumb ass to bail them out, but its not me.

Not 10 seconds pass and now I have someone who wants to go to Clearwater Beach for $20 I tell him no and the bit about the bridge.

For those of you who drive a cab or have drove you know we pay the same at the cab office, gas pump and the super market whether we charge full price or something less, so why should we get less then the meter when our obligations won't?

Now many times I have given a break to person who is a little short of the meter who I can see is not well off, and have no problem doing it, but the ones who ask for a break usually are rolling in it.

For example the dancer's in the strip clubs, what they make on weekend nights even if I only believe half of the stories they should not expect the deals they ask for. There where 2 dancers that used to ride together to Pinellas County from 2001, one went to Clearwater and the other went to St Pete for $15 a piece.

That sounds great at 5 am, but the only time I took them I ran the meter and it was $42, yeah I know I only lost $12, but that's nearly a 50% loss.

In 8+ years of driving for United I had more of these then I could or care to count.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What a game, what a season

Last night the Celtic's beat the Lakers so bad there is no question who is the best team.

The Celt's out scored, out hustled out, out rebounded and most of all out defended the Lakers.

Before the start of game one I knew the Lakers where in trouble and game three confirmed it, why in both arenas there was a graphic of the NBA Trophy at center court with a section of parquet floor as its base.

Now several teams have parquet floor's but only Boston is famous for it.

I don't know about you but, early in the forth I could see and smell Red lighting up his victory cigar with a grin from ear to ear, Red not being there was the only thing missing.

This is developing into a great sports year for me, the Giants winning the Super Bowl, and then the Celts, could there be hope for the Yankees, they are playing well right now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

US OPEN 2008

This is a picture of a practice putting green at the Westchase Country Club. I will get to the US Open but first about 14+ years ago I was driving a van for a temporary labor pool out of Ybor. One day I took some ladies to work in the kitchen of the club. I noticed some guys trying to put the golf ball on that green. They weren't having too much luck. There were also about 6 birds on the green, I went up to one of the golfers and said boy those birds know where it is safe. If looks could kill I wouldn't be writing this now. That guy had no sense of humor. Now to the open, I am not a big fan of Tiger. Granted it was a great finish. Rocco stayed with him. Here is a guy, 45 years old, giving the greatest player in the world a run for his money. Tiger Woods was in a win win situation, when he won he was supposed to. If he happened to lose, his knee was bothering him. Nice picture of him and his wife in the golf cart. I remember when first turned pro., He signed a 30 million contract with Nike now this is before he hit the first golf ball as a pro. Also the broadcasters keep talking about how much pain he was in, this was when he was behind on the Saturday round. When he made the birdie when the ball bounced once and flew into the hole. Stone luck, he is destined to win. Oh well, he sure is a hell of lot better than I was. I shot a 66 once, but that was on the first hole. UC157, Larry
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Well here we go fans. As my co-host on this blog said to me everytime I put a picture of someone on that other team they lose. Lets hope that continues. Not much to say about the game tonight, except that Perkins of Boston is day to day. With the money these guys make unless you are on crutches you should play. I recall Jack Youngblood of the old Los Angeles Rams playing in the Super Bowl against the Steelers with a broken leg. But they don't make players like that anymore. Jumping to Baseball, Wang of the Yankee's is history until at least Semptember. It looks like George Stienbrenner is going to have to open his wallet again. Rumor has it that they are going to have to go after Sabathia of the Indians. In closing a little something was sent to this writer. Mental Health Outsourcing: I was depressed last night so I cdalled Lifeline. I got a call Center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck???? QUESTION; The one sport that neither the specators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends. UC157
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Not so fast

OK Larry you won the easy one now its off to Boston, where the crowd will be very much alive unlike the left coast bunch, at times tonight they needed cue cards to chant dee fence in unison.

To answer your question its Joe Nuxhall, he was a Pitcher who started playing when he was 15 for the Cincinnati Red Leggings.


Sorry folks I got some bad information from ESPN scoreboard, when I first checked it, it showed Tiger at 3 over for today. Which would give a 284, even for the Open, one stroke behind Mandate. After I wrote the first post I looked again, as I have 3 fantasy golf teams, than it showed +2 for today, look like a playoff. Damn I forgot to sign the first post again.


I hope this works, Tom told me everytime I put a Laker on the blog they lose. This is the reverse of what I am doing. If you can't tell the guy with the big mouth is Garnett. AOL also had a picture of Tiger and he has a big mouth and he lost the US Open by one stroke to Mandate. I think in all seriousness, this will have nothing to do with it. But one thing is for sure is that the Lakers and Celtics have had some great finals. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, Jerry "Mr. Clutch" West , Bill Russel , Hondo and of course Chambleran. Sorry about the spelling. I never could spell, thank the Lord for spell check in emails. Not feeling too well but I will close with a small question. Who was the youngest player to play in the major leagues, what position and for what team?
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Strange happenings at Ho Jo's

After reading Larry's post on his ride from Ho Jo's I remembered a trip I took out of there about 7 years ago.

I went to the lobby and the desk clerk told my fare would be out in a few minutes, where have I heard that before.

Shortly after that this dude in a $300. + suit and 3 bags in some kind of exotic leather that he won't let me touch and a New Jersey accent.

Hi gives me an address on a street I never heard of, that he says is in downtown. After a minute he tells me
oh that's in downtown Orlando, and then asks if that is a 20 minute ride.

Its 7:45 and I tell him it will take at least 90 minutes and could be 2 hours or more, he can't believe it and tells me he looked at a map and it didn't look that far.

This genius in the 300 dollar suit didn't know he could have flown into Orlando.

He is going there to sell something and being 90 minutes late is not an option and so he freaks out big time. The first time he calls he tells them the cab was late and he might be late, yeah that right always blame it on the cabby.

We made it in just over an hour and a half, he must have made 4 or 5 more phone calls to smooth it over with this person, once he told him I had a flat tire, man could this guy tell em.

Larry is right The Rays are one and a half out of first but what he does not talk about they are four and a half out of third. I don't know who that team in third is, but they have most of the pieces back together and they seem to to be making a run.

As for the big round ball, it looks like time is running out for Kobe and the Lakers, no team has ever come back from a 3-1 deficit, the record is 29-0 about to go 30-0.

While I always say "never say never" Boston has 1 to win of 3 and 2 are in Boston where the Celtics are 10-1 in the playoffs.


To start with for James Tim's blog is still there it just takes about 90+ seconds with dial up to come on. This old fashioned phone booth is a fixture in Hyde Park Village. It was taken today with my new camera, not a great picture but I am learning. For a Saturday afternoon, it was about 1:00 or so. No foot traffic at all, hard to believe, it was beautiful day. They used to have a bar called the Catcus Club that did a hell of a business on Saturday, I helped them a lot when I used to drink. There used to be a lady that lived in the apartments in the circle. I can't remember where she was from but it wasn't here. She would call every Monday morning, usually a 6:00 am time call. I tried to get her to call me on my cell but she wouldn't. She was the kind of lady that was set in her ways. Sooooo I would always go a different way to the airport just to screw with her mind. It was a flat rate so it didn't matter. Well my Dodgers got the hell knocked out them, Tigers got 12 runs and 15 hits. I can't understand the kind of year Penny is having. The Rays are glad to get home as they have a lot of problem on the road. Boston lost to the Reds, bless their little hearts, so the Rays are only a game and a half out of first place. I think that my Lakers will win tomorrow and go back to Boston. No one gives us a chance, but remember what Yogi said, " it ain't over till its over. " or it ain't over til the fat lady sings.
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I knew it was just a matter of time, but the good hamburgers are available now on Kennedy, at the 3900 block. It is on the north side of the street. They are open at 11:00am to 10:00pm. I drove around south tampa today and didn't see any cabs on any of the stands. I guess that is good. About 6 or 7 years ago, on a Sunday, I got a call to go to the Howard Johnson's on North Dale Mabry across from the "Mons Venus". This older gentlelman came out of the lobby and got in to my cab. It looked like he has slept in his clothes. He asked me to take him somewhere to cash a check. I told him sure, I took him to a amscot, the one on Dale Mabry and Hillsborough, he was in there quite some time, when he came out he said we would have to go to another one. I should have known something was wrong then but he looked like a real nice old guy. On the way to the amcot on waters I found out that he was a retired railroad guy down from New York. Bells really should have went off than but they didn't. When that amscot wouldn't cash his check I finally asked him if I could look at the check. Shit, it was a cashiers check written on the Barnett Bank for $ 10,000. I told him there was no way to get that check cashed. It would have to be taken to a Barnett Bank on Monday. He said he had no money to get a place for the night or to pay me. I already had 55.00 invested in him, I took him back to the Howard Johnsons and went inside with him. I talk to the manager and told her of the situation, she yes she knew about the check. I told her I wish I had known. I talked her into letting him stay one more night and to hold the check and I would pick him and the check up at 9:00 the next morning and get it cashed and I would bring him and the money back so he could pay her. She said ok, now the old guy talked me out of 20.00 so he could get something to eat. I picked him and the check up at 9:00 the next morning and took him to the Barnett Plaza downtown, I parked where I could see the big doors, it took about 45 minutes but out he came with two brown paper sacks with the money in them, I took to pay the motel and he gave me 200, it wasn't that much but I think because I gave him the 20.00, I got the extra. Until later, be safe out there.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008


I just came back from St. Joe so this will be somewhat short. I have had nurmerous moving fares in my ten years in the cab business. Some good some bad ( no tip ). I remember one that I turned down. The lady wanted me to come upstairs and bring all of the shit down. Ha, in your dreams. I told her we were not a moving company. This folks is the standard answer when you don't want to do it..
Now I remember one fare in particular that turned into a very good fare. Not once but a lot of times. I got a call from the Days Inn on Dale Mabry, I had to go in the back and knock on the room. It was around 9 or so, Not a problem that time of day. This girl and her "friend" said they were moving, the friend started bring stuff out he told me that he would bring it out himself, works for me, I went to the car and turned the meter on, also standard procedure. Believe me it was a load. I took them to the Holiday Inn Express on North Dale Mabry. Shit short fare, the meter said $14.00+, not much for the time invested. However, her "friend" gave me $25.00. That was ok, but the good part of this story is I gave her my card and they called me numerous times when they wore their welcome out at that hotel and went to another one. Maybe tomorrow about the old man with the $10,000 check.

Problem customers or customers that become a problem

A problem customer that comes to mind I picked up at Samaritan on north Florida Ave around MLK.

When I got there he asked me to pull around the back, in the back I found a large pile of plastic trash bags, and it was growing, just over half way through loading and with stuff still coming down I started the meter.

When the guy and his Son got in the cab, the meter was just over 4 bucks he asked about it and I told him you can't expect me to load all this stuff for free, he agreed.

I asked him where are you going, he tells me he wants to go to a trailer park in the 400 or 4000 of Hillsborough Ave, I ask east or west, and he says your a cab driver don't you know.

No I don't know and how would I know if you don't know or have an address, how do people expect us to save them from themselves, I don't know.

We go around and around for about a minute I then ask do you know the way, can you direct me and he says yes.

When we get to Hillsborough Ave I ask right or left he says left, as we turn I can see we are in the 400 block and there is no trailer park here. When we get to the 4000 block, there is no trailer park there too.

Now what, he says lets go back to the 400 block when we get there he says keep going. The trailer park was in the 4600 block of east Hillsborough Ave and when we get there the meter is just over 37.00.

It is at this point he tells me he only has 20 bucks and its my fault its so high. He offers me the 20 and I won't take it, and I tell him to come up with it or Ill call the cops.

He says that's all he has and I call the cops, and of course I don't stop the meter. The cop shows up after half an hour and we both tell him our side. The cop asks him if he had an address for the place, he says no and the cop tells him to pay up.

He does not have it and the cop tells me what do I want to do, now I am not going to have him arrested in front of his son but I want to get paid.

He tells the cop his wife has the money and she will be home tonight and can I come back then? I tell the cop I will do it, but want something to hold, he gives me a 3 foot duffel bag full of CD's, DVD's CD rom's, everything I have ever seen on a disk.

On my way home I stop by there and collect my cash.

Could I or should I have handled this better yeah for sure, to start with a real address and cash up front would have been a good idea.

Tim has a link on his blog for a blog called "Blank top confessions" and while I take everything he writes with a grain of salt much of what he talks about I can see happening.

In 20+ years of cab driving I have found people don't know where they live, where they are going and don't give a shit about it, but they expect us to know and to get them there by the shortest route possible.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Damn oh great readers of this fantistic blog, I forgot to mention the finals. Yes Tom we can put the broom away. It looks like it is going to be just like all of the rest between the Lakers and the green team. The game yestereday just like all of the Lakers games, a team effort, althrough Kobe put on a show in the fourth quarter. The key was shutting down Pierce. A lot of people think it is Garnett but this writer think Pierce is the Celtics. I am looking forward to the next game. I hope I can watch it.
Taxicabs proliferated around the world in the early 20th century.

The first major innovation after the invention of the taximeter occurred in the late 1940s, when two-way radios first appeared in taxicabs.

Radios enabled taxicabs and dispatch offices to communicate and serve customers more efficiently than previous methods, such as using call boxes.

The next major innovation occurred in the 1980s, when computer assisted dispatching was introduced

Changes to downtown Tampa and Tampa Bay on fire

The picture above is in the port area, its looking west on Whiting St from Channelside Dr.

I said the other day this area used to be all old and rundown buildings, and now there is many new residential buildings going up, its all part of what seems to be changing into a new downtown.

This Picture is of Central Park or what used to be Central Park. I knew they where talking about closing but I didn't it had happened or that it had started knocking it down.

I guess a good question would be where are the people that used to live there, one place I know they are not living is in the condo's in the first picture.

Tampa Bay is on fire about the Bucs and the signing of Jerramy Stevens.

When in my car I have the radio tuned to sports talk, 620, 1010 or 1480 it does not matter all three stations are abuzz over his signing.

Since collage he has been arrested for rape and bought his way out of it. He also has been arrested for DUI several times, just another athlete who thinks he can do no wrong.

Jerramy Stevens is not the Buc's only problem, there starting QB Jeff Garcia is unhappy with his contract.

In most sports I would say you signed the contract so learn to live with it but in football there are no guaranteed contracts.

Another unhappy Buc in the news is Chris Simms, he nearly died after a game 2 years ago and was not ready to play despite Chucky saying he was.

Add to this Earnest Graham is unhappy with his deal, this guy saved the second half of the season after Cadillac went down.

It looks like the Buc's have lots of fences to mend, with there fans and community and to several of there players.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reply's to comments

To Tim:

As you can see I changed the look back to the way you like.

I would like to thank you giving your readers a head's up about our blog. I know you don't read your comments, but if you did you would know we already did, when you took 2 1/2 weeks off :).

To Cracker: If you give Tim's blog a few minutes to load it does come up and there are all kinds of new posts, and Larry says Tim will be fixing the problem.

Larry and I will keep it up but we do need more feed back.

To Larry: I changed the look of the blog and the color green and the Celtic's 2-0 lead had nothing to do with it, I just liked the contrast, oh well.

We are posting as much cab stuff as possible but as it says to the left "Just a place to hang out to talk about cab driving and sports that's sports trivia, fantasy and the games and teams themselves, so come on in and enjoy yourself".

So with that in mind this blog is about sports also, to find out what sports you like and we can write about there is a poll please answer the question, we know you like football best that's why we worded it the way we did.

I would like to know if anyone participates in fantasy sports, Larry and I are into fantasy baseball and football and sometimes basketball.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A very nice lady

I meet this lady when I was still driving a cab. She works in Save-a-Lot, if you have ever been in a Save-a-Lot store you know that you have to bag your own grocery's. This is the same store that I took those four people to Ft. Lauderdale that I posted last week. Getting back to this young lady, when I got sick about 16 months ago and have to use oxygen to get around, I still had to shop and use one of those motor carts. When I go into the store she always bags my grocerys and helps me take them to my van. The thing is that she doesn't have to do that. I have never asked for help. She feels the way I do, it doesn't hurt to be nice and it doesn't cost anything, yeah folks it is "free". When I was driving a cab I tried to treat my fares the same way. That is why I never, not in ten years went the long way to their desterination. I felt the time I would spend going in circles I could get another fare.. Folks my next will be how I met Tim. As a lot of you know he has another taxi blog. It is on type pad. Hang in there folks and drop a line if care to.
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Larry's Van

Lots of miles on this van>
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This and that

A strange year in baseball, we might be at the end of the steroids era, home runs are down big time.

The last few years there have been few 20 game winners, but could this be the year we have a 30 game winner?

At the start of the second week in June, Brandon Webb has won 11 games and he is not exactly running away from the pack.

A very surprising Mike Mussina along with Cliff Lee and Joe Saunders sits at 9 wins, this plus 6 pitchers at 8 wins, and 10 at 7 wins, we could have more 20 game winners this year then in the last 5 combined.

I don't know how my buddy Larry is doing this morning, late last night his Lakers despite a heroic come back went down to the Celtics 108-102.

Midway through the 4th quarter the Celt's where up 21 but as there coach says they have a habit of playing to the score and not the game.

One bad shot let to another as did one bad pass and the defense went out the door, during this time it was found out the Lakers can score.

So now its of to LA for games 3, 4 and 5, my question to you will the series return to Boston or will the Celts end it on the west coast?

The Rays have righted the ship winning 2 of 3 vs Texas
since the very rough trip to Boston early last week.

Where the Rays will be in the dog days and the stretch run, no one knows because they have never been there before. The Rays are getting a lot of positive reporting from the national media, and it looks like they have no where to go but up.

I have found out the way Larry got the comments back on is we have to approve them, so if you post a comment it may take a while to show up, sorry.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ok fans as Chick, God rest his soul, its show time. I am not going to say too much, that way I won't put my foot in my mouth. The last game Kobe was a little off. He had 24 points but missed a house of shots.

Not going to be that way tonight. A triple double sounds pretty good. Speaking of triple doubles, on year, I can't remember the number, but the big "O", Oscar Robinson averaged, I repeat, averaged a triple double for entire year. GO LAKERS!!!!


Now if I can just figure how to get a taxi sign on the top of this monster. It would be good for charter work. But getting back to the real world. I have been reading that folks are buying a lot of two wheeled vechiles

vachiles for transportatopm. That may be good for going to work and such. But going to the airport, store and dropping the kids off at school So we get back to the cab business. Ofcourse when they get in the cab they will have the same questions, fare is too high, dollars per mile is too much. Try to explain the high lease and high gas. "oh you have to pay your own gas??" That is when you give them your best, "here is your sign look".

No Celtic fans I haven't forgotten that today is the day that the Lakers get even. Wow I can hear the "in your dreams" from here. Yeah UC 123 is hollering the loudest.

Changes to Downtown Tampa

In the 4 years that I have been out of cab driving there have been lots of changes to the downtown area.

The photo on the bottom (from Google Maps Street View) was taken from the Harbor Island Bridge, in the near right is the Marriott Waterside Hotel and just to its left is a new hotel, I don't know its name.

I live in the wilds of New Port Richey and don't get to Tampa much but thanks to Google Maps Street View I can see what's going on.

The photo on the top is of a condo across from channelside and the port is 1 of 2 and new since I last worked as is the entire port area. Gone are most of the old buildings that looked they where ready to fall down.

As I go up and down the streets of downtown there are lots of new buildings under construction everywhere. There is 1 new building at Ashley and Polk
and another a half block away at Ashley and Zack, and 1 more at Tampa and Cass.

I have a question, does anyone know if the Floridian Hotel is still under construction?
Hi everyone, sorry I have been inactive the last few days I have been under the weather.

I would like to thank my good buddy Larry, first for fixing my screw up I tried to let more posts per page and ended up knocking off the comments link. I would also like to thank Larry for keeping up the blog while I was AWOL.

Tom UC 123

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hi again, as you can see I started pushing a bunch of buttons and prayed a little and low and be hold the comment link is back in. Now I have another problem. I just invested in a digital camera, I followed the direction for downloading the software to post the picture, howsomever it went for at least a hour or more and can't get past the intalling box. Any help will be appreciated.


This has nothing to do with driving a cab or the 2008 finals but it was sent to me and as the title says food for thought.

Paul Harvey Writes: We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I'd like better. I'd really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would.I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated. I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and wash the car. And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen.It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep.I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in.I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother/sister. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room,but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him.On rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom.If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one. I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books.When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head.I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a boygirl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like.May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole.

I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it.. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope you realize he is not your friend.I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandma/Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle.May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the holidays.I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through your neighbor's window and that she hugs you and kisses you at Hannukah/Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand.These things I wish for you - tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life.Written with a pen. Sealed with a kiss. I'm here for you. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is what the desk of the main dispatcher looks like. The monitor at the right shows all of the locations of the people who are wanting a cab in the county. The dispatcher assigns cabs to those locations. Not a easy job. He will give the driver two cross-streets, when the driver get there he calls channel 2, this person will give the driver the actual address and any information that he may need. Sometimes where they are going but not always. You can see why it is important to give all of the proper information when you call and ask for a cab. I took this when I went to visit "shoe" who is perhaps one of best dispatchers who has ever worked for United Cab. They are all pretty good. Each has his or her own way of doing things.
I usually tired to take two weeks off a year. I would go for a week and visit my aunt and uncle who live in Kentucky. Five years ago I came got back to Tampa, turned my rental car in and went to pick up my cab (157). I stop at save-a-lot to get something for dinner. I cook my own meals. As I was getting out of my cab I noticed 4 cuban type people, 3 men and a girl looking at me and the cab. I went in the store and when I came out they were still there. One guy came up to me and in very, very broken English conveyed to me that they needed to go to Miami. Ha, yeah right. But he plulled out a pocket full of money, I saw two one hundred dollar bills for sure, I told them to get in. On the way I asked him why not take the bus? All he said was no, no. Then I knew illegal's. Hell I didn't care if they came from the moon. They actual went to a address on Sistrunk St. in Ft. Liquerdale, err, Lauderdale. That street is not a very nice place to be and it was getting rather dark. I knew the area as I used to work there in 1984. But the fare was worth it 490, which is all they had. Those lucky ones come now and then but I can count them all on one hand.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Questions about the price of gas

The major oil company's are making record profits and all they talk about is all there small investor's, but nothing about the fat cats.

I also here its the speculators in the commodities market that are causing the price to go up.

Others including Forbes Magazine say its gas subsidies, in developing country's.

I would not know who is sticking it to us, but the wholesale price has at long last started to dip. The big question is how long will it take for the price at the pump to go down.

This is nothing new, whenever the retail price go's up the next day the retail price go's up despite its been it was bought at a lower price some time before.

On the news yesterday there was a story about the SUV's the dealers can't sell despite nearly giving them away. Another story was what they cost to run, there was a guy who uses his for work and has to fill up 3 times a week at 150.00 per.

Its a sign of the times but many people are leaving there car at home and taking mass transit. Hang in there guys, hopefully things will get better. I would like to hear what your customer s have to say about the Fuel Surcharge.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This was the year that most us that are capable of remembering will never forget. It started with Benjamin Spock,M.D. and four others are indicted for aiding and abetting draft dodgers. Who can forget the picture of the South Vietnamese chief of police executing a vietcong prisoner.

Figure skater Peggy Fleming wins the on US gold medal at the winter olympics. A police station in Haleyville, Alabama is the first to officially use 911, the nations universal emergency umber.

The Reverend Martin Luther Kingm, Jr. is murdered in Memphis, TN. President Lyndon B. Johnson announces that he will not seek reelection.

The first modern cash-dispensing machine--the ATM--is invented in Dallas.The first regular season basketball game ever televised, University of Houston vs UCLA. Elvin Hayes (the big E) vs Lew Alcendor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), it drew 52,000, dubbed the Gaame of the Century. The rest is history.

"Exercise after 40? Build bone and muscle after 40. What re you trying to do kill people?" This was the reaction of to Dr. Kenneth Cooper's book on Aerobics" These are just a few of the happening in 1968.

I could also take take a cab from the "why not pub to the Hub" for 6.00.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The cost of gas and taxi rates

It look's like Tampa is not the only city giving an increase in taxi meters.

This week Philadelphia added a $1 fuel surcharge to there regular metered rate and the airport flat rate also went up, to $28.50 from $26.25.

In Boston drivers are asking for the first increase in the per-mile fare in six years, if approved would increase the per-mile rate by 50 percent and the starting fare from $2.25 to $2.75. That would boost the cost of a 4-mile ride from $11.55 to $16.70.

New York, Chicago and LA have all had raise's in the last few months along with smaller city's like Ann Arbor MI and Austin TX.
Tom UC 123


Valuable Experience

Bringing home the NBA title when you've just been named MVP can be a daunting task. However, several NBA notables delivered the goods. Here's how several league MVPs fared in the Finals (since 1988).
'08 Kobe Bryant
'03 Tim Duncan
'01 Allen Iverson
'00 Shaquille O'Neal
'98 Michael Jordan
Takeover Time I got this information from ESPN. It goes without saying that there is going to be a lot of "I told you so" Yo Tom do you remember when I threw the little wisp broom in your cab. But that was a lot of years ago. What few of you that are out there it is not too late to get on the Laker band wagon, I will understand. Hee, Hee

Sunday, June 1, 2008


That should tell it all. I took this with a picture phone on the stand known as 21. If you have read Tim's blog you have known his feelings on this stand. Stand is a cabby term for where cab will sit waiting on a call. I stopped at the cab office this morning and talk to shoe. His nickname. Since midnight there have been only 500 plus calls. Not good. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago it was on a Sunday morning and Bob the dispatcher at time sent me to the Publix store on Dale Mabry just south of Cypress. Now this is not unsual in itself, but it was 5 am. Now that is unusual. This guy was deaf so it was tough to figure out where he wanted to go, after the struggle I got his wallet. It said North Port. Oh Boy, now the next problem was money, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bunch of money. Ha not a problem, I took him home by his pointing out the directions all the way. He never could tell me how he ended up at the Pubix at 5 in morning. Stranger things have happened but that is for a later post.

Taxi's in Beijing

Yesterday I watched a show on PBS called Beijing are you ready? What they where asking if Beijing is ready for the 2008 Olympics.

This show is a series, yesterday's show had to do with transportation, taxi's included.

The picture on the left show 3 taxi's each with a different color combination, and the one on the right is a cab stand at rush hour, are you jealous .

This show was shot a few years ago, it talked about roads that would be done in 2006 and 2007.

Something that amazed me was all the street and subway signs are in Chinese and English, it also showed cab drivers taking mandatory English lessons.

The traffic in Beijing is beyond bad, I am from New York and know traffic and have been to LA and its equally bad. If you think the traffic on 275 in downtown is bad now with the construction, wow the traffic in Beijing is from another planet.