Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking pot shots at cab drivers

Hi everyone its me again (yeah I pop up everyonce in a while to see if my name is still on the blog)

Every few days or so I do a Google News search for Taxi Drivers looking for something interesting to write here, I am trying to get back into posting a bit more often.

Today among the many stories about driver's getting shot I found one that hit a nerve.

It takes place in ANDERSON, SC, it seems a driver who was off duty had some kind of procedure on his knee and then did something stupid he had a drink.

There must have been an interaction between whatever he got at the DR's office and the drink and the guy had, but decided at 12 in the afternoon to go walking and yelling at cars in traffic.

Yes it was not the smartest thing to do and yes he was arrested, but why come out in the paper and say he was an off duty cab driver, with the name of the company he worked for and the street he lived on. Anyone want to take bets as to weather he still has a job there or not.

You know what would be the chance of this happening to a cop or lawyer how about slim to none but a cab driver, yeah why not take pot shots at cab drivers its ok,I guess.

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