Sunday, August 2, 2009

Airport Security Precautions

On 60 minutes tonight, they had a segment on airport security. This post does not have to do with the security when attempting to board a airplane. They have all kinds electrical equipment, including x-rays. I remember just after 9/11 when they were stopping cars. I am sure any you folks going to the airport remember that. Of course I was still working at the time. One fine day I had picked up this fare and had just got to the approach into the airport. My fare and I both noticed that they were stopping cars on right side of the road. As was my habit I was in the left lane. I commented to my fare look at those police over there what a joke. Wow he got pushed out of shape. He asked me "didn't I believe in security", I told him damn right if it is done properly. I than asked him if he took cabs to the airport very oftain. He said three or four times a month. I than asked him the clincher. "How many times has the cab he is riding in get stopped?" I already knew the answer. Zilch, nada, and zip that is how many. I had asked numerous drivers if they have ever got stopped. No they hadn't. I have been stopped once, but that is another story.

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