This is Jericho, Arkansas a typical small southern town of 150 people with 7 cops.
Now most people would think 7 cops in a town of 150 is an awful lot of cops, but they are needed to man all the town's speed traps and to keep the peace.
Yes the police of Jericho have many duty's, what you may ask?
Oh like shoot the town's fire chief in front of a judge over one of the many speeding tickets given out hard to believe but true, you can only imagine what they would do to a wise cracking cab driver?
The very best thing about all this is no one can remember which of the 7 cops did the shooting and the only charges D.A. could come up with was a possible misdemeanor for the fire chief for the scuffle that preceded the shot being fired.
If you would like to read the zany story its at: www.boingboing.net/2009/09/04/speed-trap-happy-cop.html
Be sure to read the comments!!
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