Friday, February 5, 2010

a short post

This post is in reference to Tampa Taxi Shots. The writer is complaining how the city police are ruining the city. Why because they are giving out tickets for running traffic lights. Damn don't run the lights. I mentioned this when I commented on his post. My co-author, got T-boned on Hillsboro because someone ran a light. The shit head had no insurance. As United Cab does nothing for us when a thing like this happens shit out of luck. Too bad the guy wasn't stopped before he hit Tom, oh but I forgot too many cops making this a police state. Or that is what the guy who writes Tampa Taxi Shots said. One out of thirty-one men in Florida are in jail. Not sure about that figure. But I wonder how many derserve to be there. I know of one that was there and yes he deserved to be there.

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