Saturday, July 12, 2008


MAYBE THIS IS WHAT WE NEED TO DO IN THIS COUNRTY! GET SOMEONE OTHER THAN GM, FORD, AND CHRYSLER TO GET THIS INTRODUCED IN THIS COUNTRY. This is the same company which-a few months back-invented a car that costs only $2500 new. BUT it's not available in the USA. Why is it that a gasless vehicle that eliminates the reason to buy oil from foreign countries hasn't nipped the minds of US manufacturers? How bad can this be for anybody, anywhere in the world -- except for foreign oil? The Compressed Air Car, developed by Motor Development International (MDI) Founder Guy Negre, might be the best thing to happen to the motor engine, and people all over the world. The $12,700 CityCAT, one of the planned Air Car models, reaches 68 mph, goes for a range of 125 miles. It will take only a few minutes for the CityCAT to refuel at gas stations equipped with custom air compressor u nits. MDI says it should cost only around $2 to fill the car up with 340 liters of air! The Air Car will be starting production soon, thanks to India's TATA Motors. Forget corn! That's a joke. 6-seater taxi should rbe available in India in 2008: Now If We will just DEMAND this technology in the USA, we can tell Saudi Arabia, Venezuela & dirty foreign oil to take a hike! I resent it, but can see why jobs are going to India & why we are importing people from India to do jobs that Americans CAN'T. But I can't see why we have the most unfriendly energy congress in US history, or why they waste time fussing & fighting while we suffer. One last question: Does it come with 20-inch wheels?

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