Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey out there does anyone remember how much gas was when these cars were popular. 57' Chevy, 57' Dodge and a 55' Merc. I had a 55' and in 1958 at Pismo Beach this writer become a man. Went into the United States Air Force but still could buy a beer. Gas stations still had people that would come to your car, check your oil and wash your windshields. Now 90% of them don't hardly speak English.

There is a Chevron on ther northeast corner of M.L.K. and Arminia. I went into his store for a bag of 99 cents chips. He said in very broken English that will be $ 1.06. I told him like shit, there is no tax on this item, it is eatable. I told him not I am not going to pay the 7 cents. I started for the door and he said he would call the police , ha go ahead. He then told me to leave. I did with the chips. It was not the 7 cents, it was principal. Needless to say I have never went back in there. That afternoon I talked to the day manager of a Kash and Karry, now SweetBay, if I was right, he said hell yes. It is bad enough that these people from another country come here and don't even try to learn our language but rip us. Now I would like to say that not all of the people who come here are like that, I have met a lot of good men and women that are trying to raise their famalies, in a country that have so many oppertunities to make a good living. UC157 Larry
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