Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Arm!!

I was fooling around on the internet looking for some funny taxi stories. Sometimes we all need a little humor in our life. I found this, I have had situations come up but never nothing like this.

Some years ago one of our drivers was sent to a pub to pick up a passenger. When he got there he discovered it was quite an old man rather drunk. The barman assured the driver that he was quite harmless and would not get any bother with him. So the driver set off with this chap on the short journey to his house. Sure enough the man gave him no problems in fact he was quite amicable. They got to the passengers house, the man paid him and he then tried to get out. Well, he struggled, so the driver got out the taxi, opened up the passenger door for him and helped him out, then thought that he had better make sure he got in safely. So up the garden path they went, the passengers arm fimly wedged and held tight by the driver to stop him falling over. Well, they nearly got to the front door, when the man stumbled, and started to fall, the driver quickly grabbed his arm firmly in a vice like grip , however the man fell flat on his nose on the concrete path, this puzzled the driver, untill he suddenly realised that allthough the man was a few feet in front of him sprawled out on the path, the mans arm was still firmly gripped by the drivers hands, his wife came out, looked at the driver, took the wooden arm off him, said" better get this inside it's always coming off, one day he'll lose it, mind you, it's a bloody pity the arm don't lose him, i say"

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