Monday, February 16, 2009

Something to think about

Thanks for the great comments Sawbriars, on my story about Las Vegas cab driver's and minimum wage, I posted that to show how cab company's are with drivers, not to say cabby's want or should get minimum wage.

It is a different world for cabby's in Las Vegas with the drivers being an employee, when you add it all up its still all the same, the company will still stick it to the drivers when and where it can.

In with the story about the cops of Wellington, New Zealand, there was a story from a driver in NV who received from his boss a certificate for over 10 years of service, no accidents, no tickets, no customer complaints and no work days missed – perfect attendance.

A certificate big wow could they spare it.

I just finished reading a story in a newspaper from Wellington, New Zealand it seems young people use the cops as an alternative cab service to get them out of jams.

That reminded me of the last Gasparilla I worked, it was 1 am and as I am dropping of at whiskey park 3 young guys tell me they want to go to Tierra Verde for $ 25.

I tell them sorry but $25 won't get you across the bridge, they then tell me that's all they had, while I felt sorry for them I have to make a living and maybe they should have thought about it before drinking up all there money.

As they leave an older man asks if Ill go to Clearwater Beach for the same amount and I tell him sorry but no, he asks how much then I say aprox. 40 but it will be on the meter, he shakes his head and says Ill find someone to go for $25, I told him good luck I would not do it for that much on Gasparilla.

As he walked away I got a fare to another bar and that's how the night went someone gets out and someone was waiting to get in, to take a long run on days like Gasparilla and other big events is not good business but I did it all the time, but not for cut rate prices.

I also don't mind giving someone a break who is down on there luck but not someone who is not being responsible with there money, you can't expect someone to always save you from your own stupidity.

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