Friday, July 11, 2008


This folks is a Air Car. It runs on compressed air. It gets 125 miles before it needs more air. It only takes $4.00 to go the 125 miles. Sounds great huh, whoa wait a minute, the only problem is that the United States doesn't have these cute little cars. Kind of looks like those bumper cars from the Carenval. Ford, GM or any other car maker doesn't want anything like this. It only costs $12,000. If it was a taxi it would pay for itself the first year or so. A large percent of the people who would call would just want to ride in it. Good news: Evan Longoria, rookie third baseman for the Rays is going to the All-Star game and it also going to be in the Home Run Derby. Bad news: Rays are losing again tonight. I am hoping they will get back to their winning was after the break. Be careful out their. UC 157 Larry
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone can add a hydrogen kit to their car for $250 or less. I don't know all the details of how it works, but it does do better on older cars without all the electronics. I know 2 drivers who have it installed. Driver 1 has a 1999 towncar that went from 17 in the city to 27 mpg. He also has an older GMC 1500 that is getting 69 mpg. Driver 2 had it installed on his 1997 towncar and average went from 17mpg to 24 mpg. I KNOW, I KNOW... Ithought it was a scam...did all the research online, but these guys are telling the truth. A 3rd friend is getting it installed Monday AM in his taxi. He is an owner-op. Well see how it does!!!