Sunday, April 12, 2009

Baseball 2009

It seems my co-host wrote this post a little early today. His hero Joba lost. Now the great Yankee's are only 3-3. They got beat by the KC Royals. I didn't know that the Royals were still in the major leagues. The Rays bombed Baltimore 11-3. The same Baltimore that took two out of three from those Yankees. I agree the CC is a great pitcher, too bad he only can pitch every five days. Oh folks did I mention that the Dodgers won today and have a 4-3 record. Let's face the fact that it is early in the season. But I can understand in into consideration the season that the Yankee's had last season, it is nice whenever they do something right. Please Yankee fans don't tell me about all of the stuff they have done in the past. Who said yeah but what have you done for me lately. By the way I got the information on the Dodegers winning the World Series from Todd Jones a former relief pitcher of the Tigers, who has been writing for the Sporting News for a few years. GO ANYBODY BUT THE YANKEES

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