Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why put it on the backs of cab drivers

Things are tough all over, and NYC is no different.

It is a long standing practice for all drivers not just cabby's to foot the bill for people who ride the subway and bus, with high tolls (now $5. one way on tunnels and a few bridges), ridiculous gas tax's and high car registrations.

With the economy being what it is, the city needs to raise cash to pay for the bus and subway, but does not want to increase the fare's too much and after some State Senator's blocked the plain to charge tolls on bridge's that have never had tolls, some idiot came up with the idea of adding 50 cents to all cab ride, guess where that will really come from, yep cabby's tips.

So besides paying for very high gas tax and all the other garbage cabby's have to put up with, they will now help to keep the price of a bus or subway ride low (which was $2. the last time I was on one in 2002).

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