Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's just spring But

The Rays shut down the now what is the name of that team from up north, oh year the lYankees and their 9 game win streak' In all fairness to my co-writer, it is going to be a long season. The Yankee's have gotten better as have the Red Sox. I think it will go down to the last of September. The winner of the one run and two run ball games in April and May will be so very important. I, again have went crazy, and hve gotten myself 6 fantasy teams to keep track of. When you have retired and have given up cigarettes and beer, oh my, not much else to do. But no hang overs anymore. Be safe out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never smoked. Have given up all bad foods. But, still holding on to a few, well maybe quite a few, beers everynight. Getting old since I can't handle it like I used to. Love the site Larry and Tom. Even though I don't respond as much as in the past, believe me, I check it everyday. Can't get this cab driving out of my blood...God knows I wish I could. You 2 are 2 of the few who understand...CRACKER