Sunday, March 1, 2009

Two more good reasons to get cash up front from young riders!

I just read 2 stories from this week about teen fare beats, the first is from Chestnut Ridge, NY and the second is from Kingston, Ont, Canada.

The Chestnut Ridge incident involved 4 teens who when they arrived at there destination announced they would not pay, not they had no cash.

Chestnut Ridge is in Westchester County which is one of the more affluent county's in the country, and this was probably just something to do to break up the boredom.

When the driver confronted the teens he was threatened with a knife and what he thought was a gun, which turned out to be a pellet gun, they also broke the drivers side window, for something to do.

The teens ranged in ages from 15-17, so we will have to wait to find out how much of a slap on the wrist they get if any, as they will show up in court with all kinds of high priced lawyers, if it gets that far.

The second is from Kingston, Ont and involves 2 teen girls, who scratched and tried to bite the driver as he tried to preform a citizens arrest on them.

This case has all ready been to settled and the 2 darlings got 12 months probation despite one of them being on probation, what a joke.

Take it easy out there and when you get that funny feeling in your gut, get cash up front.

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