Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Time to put another notch in your belt

I was driving south bound on Rome and Cypress. As I was going past the United Cab office and shop I noticed all of the cabs on the lot. I wonder if Nancy would give me one to drive now. Na don't think so. It is only the beginning of March. I know it has been only a month and Omaba has at least got his kids a dog. I also wonder about his home state and the mess he left there. I know I know you followers of him you think he had nothing to do with that he most likely didn't. I truly hope that the real cab drivers stay with it until it imporves. Times like this will seperate the real cabbies from the wannabees. Keep plugging guys and above just because it is slow don't nothing stupid. By that I mean don't take any chances that you wouldn't take when things were rolling.

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