I meet this lady when I was still driving a cab. She works in Save-a-Lot, if you have ever been in a Save-a-Lot store you know that you have to bag your own grocery's. This is the same store that I took those four people to Ft. Lauderdale that I posted last week. Getting back to this young lady, when I got sick about 16 months ago and have to use oxygen to get around, I still had to shop and use one of those motor carts. When I go into the store she always bags my grocerys and helps me take them to my van. The thing is that she doesn't have to do that. I have never asked for help. She feels the way I do, it doesn't hurt to be nice and it doesn't cost anything, yeah folks it is "free". When I was driving a cab I tried to treat my fares the same way. That is why I never, not in ten years went the long way to their desterination. I felt the time I would spend going in circles I could get another fare.. Folks my next will be how I met Tim. As a lot of you know he has another taxi blog. It is on type pad. Hang in there folks and drop a line if care to.

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