The major oil company's are making record profits and all they talk about is all there small investor's, but nothing about the fat cats.
I also here its the speculators in the commodities market that are causing the price to go up.
Others including Forbes Magazine say its gas subsidies, in developing country's.
I would not know who is sticking it to us, but the wholesale price has at long last started to dip. The big question is how long will it take for the price at the pump to go down.
This is nothing new, whenever the retail price go's up the next day the retail price go's up despite its been it was bought at a lower price some time before.
On the news yesterday there was a story about the SUV's the dealers can't sell despite nearly giving them away. Another story was what they cost to run, there was a guy who uses his for work and has to fill up 3 times a week at 150.00 per.
Its a sign of the times but many people are leaving there car at home and taking mass transit. Hang in there guys, hopefully things will get better. I would like to hear what your customer s have to say about the Fuel Surcharge.
Larry. As a BBall fan you know Nolan Ryan had a better year than Koufax in 1973...more K's and less innings pitched. The best K's per innings pitched is Randy Johnson who almost matched both of them with 1oo less innings. Ryan did it with less innings as well. Ryan is the strikeout king, and as of yesterday Randy Johnson is # 2. If The big unit would have stayed healthier, he would have passed Ryan easily. Per inning, Johnson was in a class of his own. But, Ryan had a better season than Koufax in 1973 wirh less innings and more K's!!! Check it out!!!
BY the way, Larry and Tom...Love the Site!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Cracker as you can tell I am a very big Dodger fan. I have been since before they moved to LA in 1958. That year they finished last, the next year 1959 they won the world series. About being healthy, read the book, "Koufax", he was hurt most of his career.
The last comment is mine, I always forget to put my name on it. UC157, Larry
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