I heard rumors that the guy on the left is going to work in in the shop and help with the broken down cabs. The cab drivers should do well during the fourth. I always did. I didn't work at night and I didn't change my routine. However, the tips were better. I have found that if you laugh at their dumb jokes, even if they aren't funny helps. But on the other hand I have heard some good ones. I have a very good friend, named Harold, he drives for Greyhound. Anyway he told once he was on his way to Miami, when he noticed a squad car behind him with their red lights on. But goood ole Harold kept right on driving. Shortly the cop pulled along side of him and motioned for him to pull over or else. Harold finally stopped and all of his passangers were relieved. The cop asked him why he didn't stop. Harold told him that a few months ago his wife ran off with a cop and he was afraid that he was bringing her back. Just a joke folks, I know Harold's wife and she is a fine lady. I have told that joke many times to people in my cab. I have also found that if you keep them laughing they are more relaxed. Than when it comes to paying the fare they tend to add to it. Not always. Have a good evening and catch you later. By the way it is hard to believe that the Rays are 14 games over .500. UC 157 Larry

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