To start with for James Tim's blog is still there it just takes about 90+ seconds with dial up to come on. This old fashioned phone booth is a fixture in Hyde Park Village. It was taken today with my new camera, not a great picture but I am learning. For a Saturday afternoon, it was about 1:00 or so. No foot traffic at all, hard to believe, it was beautiful day. They used to have a bar called the Catcus Club that did a hell of a business on Saturday, I helped them a lot when I used to drink. There used to be a lady that lived in the apartments in the circle. I can't remember where she was from but it wasn't here. She would call every Monday morning, usually a 6:00 am time call. I tried to get her to call me on my cell but she wouldn't. She was the kind of lady that was set in her ways. Sooooo I would always go a different way to the airport just to screw with her mind. It was a flat rate so it didn't matter. Well my Dodgers got the hell knocked out them, Tigers got 12 runs and 15 hits. I can't understand the kind of year Penny is having. The Rays are glad to get home as they have a lot of problem on the road. Boston lost to the Reds, bless their little hearts, so the Rays are only a game and a half out of first place. I think that my Lakers will win tomorrow and go back to Boston. No one gives us a chance, but remember what Yogi said, " it ain't over till its over. " or it ain't over til the fat lady sings.

1 comment:
Thanx for the info regarding Tim's blog.
I just read yours for the first time today....purty good.
I like to keep up with whats happening in Tampa....drove down there for a few years for United...might try it again sometime. I am getting tired of Las Vegas. James aka Sawbriars
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