The picture above is in the port area, its looking west on Whiting St from Channelside Dr.
I said the other day this area used to be all old and rundown buildings, and now there is many new residential buildings going up, its all part of what seems to be changing into a new downtown.

This Picture is of Central Park or what used to be Central Park. I knew they where talking about closing but I didn't it had happened or that it had started knocking it down.
I guess a good question would be where are the people that used to live there, one place I know they are not living is in the condo's in the first picture.

Tampa Bay is on fire about the Bucs and the signing of Jerramy Stevens.
When in my car I have the radio tuned to sports talk, 620, 1010 or 1480 it does not matter all three stations are abuzz over his signing.
Since collage he has been arrested for rape and bought his way out of it. He also has been arrested for DUI several times, just another athlete who thinks he can do no wrong.
Jerramy Stevens is not the Buc's only problem, there starting QB Jeff Garcia is unhappy with his contract.
In most sports I would say you signed the contract so learn to live with it but in football there are no guaranteed contracts.
Another unhappy Buc in the news is Chris Simms, he nearly died after a game 2 years ago and was not ready to play despite Chucky saying he was.
Add to this Earnest Graham is unhappy with his deal, this guy saved the second half of the season after Cadillac went down.
It looks like the Buc's have lots of fences to mend, with there fans and community and to several of there players.
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