Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love Bugs/Dodgers etc

In reference to Tim's of "Tampa Taxt shots" post about the love bugs, I have heard from a good friend who used to live in Philly, she tells me never heard of them till she moved here. Also a high school buddy living in Michigan that there either. Guess just here.
After last nights win the Dodgers are sporting the best win-loss record in baseball even with the lost of Manny for 40 more games give or take a few. I believe July 3 is the day he is coming back. Even without his bat they are scoring runs. The Rays came from 7 runs down to beat the Indians 8-7 with a homerun from B.J. Upton.
A few days ago I went to Sweet Bay and it was really hot. As I was coming out of the store with my oxygen tank in tow, a fly by night cab was sitting in the fire lane ( I used to use it too )but there was a old and I mean old lady putting her packages in the trunk of the cab, while this cabbie, not from the good ole USA was on his cell phone ssistting in the A/C car. A few years ago I would have told the bum what I thought of him. But I am afraid that I have seen United and Yellow drivers do the same thing. I bet 21 stand drivers would even like the cat lady now. Oh one more thing, the Yankees won with three runs in the bottom of the ninth. Well everyday can't be perfect.

1 comment:

Cracker said...

You are right on Larry. These SCUMBAGS sit in their cab with the A/C going talking on the cell phone with some other UNAMERICAN and make this 85 year old load her own groceries. We all hate grocery runs, but if you can't at least fake a little courtesy, then get out of the business. Better yet, put on a coat and tie and go work for Metrocar with the rest of these wastes of human flesh. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire!!!...Cracker