Saturday, May 9, 2009

This bar will take you home.

It seems that customers are still packing the bar, "MacDinton's, and they are teaming up with a taxi service called Zingo. They have this little fold up scooter that will fit in the trunk of the customers car. Thsis of course if they have had to much to drink. With the recessin looming and money getting tighter, the co-owner of the bar Barry O'Conner, has come up with this idea. This company Zingo will supply a driver, this driver will drive the drunk home, He puts his little scooter in the truck and when he gets the customer home, he gets the scooter out and drives back to the bar.

Zingo members pay $10.00 for a pick-up and $3.00 a mile. United Cab has or had, they did when I was driving a program called Cab Alert. We would go get the the customer and take him or her home. I got my information about this new company, Zingo from the newspaper, TBT. My only question is who foots the bill if this designated driver has a accident. Are their insurance as good as United Cab, even if United's insurance won't let me drive, they are good. Even if the before mentioned partier is saving a few dollars to get home. Will it be worth it if, God forbid, something happens. I, as a former drinker, vote for calling a cab.

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