Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I will tell the second story at a later date. By the way I was born and raised in L.A.

Taxi Horror Stories
Well, I have two taxi horror stories to relate. Once, in L.A., a shuttle driver promised me that he would get me to my hotel in under 20 minutes from LAX. During early rush-hour traffic, he realized that he wouldn't be able to both keep his promise and obey conventional traffic ordinances. He not only ran red lights, failed to stop for pedestrians in the street (cause, you know, nobody walks in L.A., after all), but he also jumped the median separating the north and south bound freeway lanes and began to drive the wrong direction on the shoulder of freeway next to us. Then, upon jumping back to our proper northbound lanes, he had to immediately stomp on his brakes so he could then back-up on the freeway to take the exit we had just passed. My God, I truly didn't think we would make it alive. But, he did make it in under 20 minutes!

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