Hi folks, the news carried the information that oil is below $120.00 a barrel for the first time in months. That little car to the right could hold three people. Now I wouldn't want to have a head on in it. ButI have always taken pride in my driving ability. Ha, Mrs. Pancake even like to ride with me. I recall when I was driving in Little Rock that I picked up this elderly lady and she wanted to go to the airport. It seems she came down from Chicago for a family reunion. They surprised her by buying her a ticket on a flight home, as she came to Little Rock on the bus. Now the Little Rock airport is not very big, the lady kept asking me if I knew where I was going? I told her yes and in fact we are almost there. She looked at and said "boy this is not a airport" The poor thing was thinking about O'Hare. It was hard to convince her that one of those airplanes was going to take her home. Butg I learned a lot about her family and all of the kids that she had. I guess they didn't TV. I really hope you drivers are taking advantage of the lower gas price. Get it while you can, it is my opinion that if Ob is elected it will not be good. That is what is so great about my country, the USA, we can say what we want. Be careful out three. UCLarry157

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